Home Sustainable Fashion Sustainable, affordable fashion

Sustainable, affordable fashion


Photo by Charlota Blunarova on Unsplash

Until recently, the fashion industry has fed us mostly synthetic-based clothing at a cost to our environment. But thankfully more sustainable fashion designers are changing the narrative, making sustainable-based clothing more durable, cheaper, and socially and environmentally friendlier.

Brands such as DedicatedASOSQuinceHappy EarthTantree, and We Are Hah are leading this powerful trend. Now they represent a new era in fashion where people are beginning to care about what they wear, how designers make them, and how they impact the environment. Director of Fashion Policy at the Humane Society of the United States, P.J. Smith, believes the future of fashion is plant-based.

Legacy fashion brands Adidas and ThredUp have also joined the sustainable fashion vehicle, and they launched some recycling and upcycling programs last year, which will prevent tonnes of used sneakers and plastics from polluting the environment over the coming years. Green fashion, how damn sexy is that?