Friday, January 17, 2025


Avoid all plastic

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Image curtesy of Markus Spiske on Unsplash 

Friendly reminder to all our reader friends; keep avoiding plastic in all forms. It is particularly important to avoid plastic on any food items. Most of the general population does not realize that there are thousands of chemicals used by manufacturers that leach into foods.

These chemicals leech into the foods we feed pets also. The brisk rise in pet cancers is very closely linked to age and neutering. One in four dogs over 10 years old will die of a cancer. Spaying and neutering a dog is great for keeping the population of unwanted dogs down, and according to the AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association), it weakens a dog’s immunity.

When a dog’s endocrine system becomes disrupted, and they are less able to fight against environmental toxicity. When the reproduction hormones are disrupted, the creature’s immunity to fight the toxins is suppressed and cancers are more tenacious.

In April, the Biden Administration issued the first of it’ kind national standards to limit PFAS (aka forever chemicals) in the country’s drinking water. This is a big step forward.

Then a report that was published in September, entitled Evidence for widespread human exposure to food contact chemicals. The authors of the study compared over 14,000 known food contact chemicals. Martin Wagner, a biology professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Tech in Trondheim said:

“The study is the first to systematically link the chemicals we use in materials to package and process foods to human exposure.”

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